Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Here's Lily

I got this book because I thought that my daughter would enjoy reading it. It really is for an older child (maybe fifth grade and up) Lily is in Jr. High and the book talks about stuff that affects mostly this age group. Still, it is a good book that I think a jr. higher would enjoy reading. I think that Lily is a character that many girls can identify with and learn from and the situations she faces are common in school and relationships.

If you have a girl that is around fifth grade and up, I bet she'd really enjoy this book.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Empty Promises

I was excited to read Pete Wilson's newest book Empty Promises, because I really enjoyed Plan B, his release a few years ago.

Empty Promises is all about idolatry and even if you don't think you struggle with idolatry, you probably do! It sneaks in there so subtly. Pete Wilson discusses several things that can be idols in one's life: achievement, power, approval, money, beauty, chasing a dream etc.

It is a very honest, practical book with lots of illustrations from Pete's own life and the folks he counsels and are his friends. I found myself often seeing my own flaws and issues and realized that I have made things, even good things, idols in my life when Jesus should hold that place.

I think this is a book that nearly everyone would enjoy. The writing style is candid and easy to read and he offers much hope and grace and a way out of this quest for "empty promises." I am confident this book will help many reflect and realize that the things they pursue to make them happy or content or liked or successful will only leave them feeling empty.

On page 22 Pete Wilson writes: " Jesus is continually inviting people to give up their idols and follow him. Jesus, and Jesus alone, is worthy of our whole devotion. He alone has the authority to forgive all of our sins. He alone has the wisdom to guide our whole lives. He alone leaves us invigorated rather than exhausted, at peace rather than anxious. He alone has the power to fill the gnawing inner emptiness we all experience and bring purpose to each and every day that he sees fit to grant us as a gift."


I received this book through Booksneeze Blogging program from the publisher. I was not required to give a favorable review.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Jesus Experiment

The Jesus Experiment, by Bill Perkins, is subtitled: What Happens when you Follow in His Footsteps. An intriguing  title so I was happy to begin reading it. It is a book that challenges against the status quo of society and as I read it, I started to feel a bit guilty of certain things and failings in my life. I think this would be an excellent book to read in a community group or a group where you can honestly discuss life and challenge each other to live and follow Jesus and what that means today.

Prior to this book I've read Perkins' Six Rules Every Man Must Break and while it also was a good book, I think I prefer this one.

Surprised By Laughter

I love CS Lewis so I was excited to read this book. It didn't disappoint. It takes a serious look into the life of Lewis and what shaped him and what he shaped as well. It's about 450 pages and is quite well-researched. The end of chapter notes and bibliography is impressive and he does CS. Lewis justice in his portrayal of him and his works.

If you are a C. S. Lewis fan, you will love this book and if you aren't a fan, you will still enjoy this curious look into the life and mind of a great Christian author.