Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I had a lot of questions about the Sabbath, so I was looking forward to reading Sabbath by Dan B.  Allender. The first half he dives into the purpose of the sabbath, then goes on to talk about how to observe the sabbath. Though insightful, I was looking for a bit more of a cut and dried dialogue about Sabbath and how to manage and observe it in today's hectic life. I do see the value and merit in observing the Sabbath, but I was hoping for a bit more information.

I'll quote the last paragraph of the book, as it sums it up beautifully:

"The Sabbath is salt and light for the remainder of the week. We are invited to remember the Sabbath all week long nad to anticipate its observance ahead. We are invited to hold on to the delight of creation and the wonder of our deleiverance from slavery. ANd to do so in small, incremental ways that remind us the Sabbath is behind us and ahead.

The Sabbath promises that a day of joy is ahead; it is like the fragrant smell of evergreen wafting with a cool spring breeze. Lord God, deliver us all on to delight for the sake of your warming, comforting glory. The queen is coming and she is almost here. Greet her, and make room in your life for her glory, whic his intended for your honor." Page 194.

If you really are curious about the Sabbath, this book will answer some of your questions, but not all. Still, an interesting and good book.

I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.